Programmers Arena: 5 CYBER CRIMES--Part 3 Crime 3

5 CYBER CRIMES--Part 3 Crime 3

Yeah so the lazy blogger is back. Here is the third cyber crime I found to be important, namely "LOGIC BOMBS".

Third Crime---> Logic Bombs most of us know what LOGIC is and what a BOMB is, but a LOGIC BOMB is not at all the mixture of both of them. A Logic Bomb, also known as "slag code", is a malicious piece of code which is intentionally inserted into software to execute a malicious task when triggered by a specific event. Well it's not to be confused with viruses though they behave in somewhat a similar manner. It is stealthily inserted in a program where it is hidden until a certain condition/s  is/are not met. Viruses and worms often contain logic bombs which are triggered at a specific payload or at a predefined time. The user affected to the logic bomb does not know the aftermath, and the tasks it executes unwanted.

Some of the specific Logic Bombs are categorized as the "time-bombs". For example, the infamous "Friday the 13th" virus which attacked the host systems only on specific dates, which might be clear by the name!
It "exploded"  (Duplicated itself) on every Friday that happened to be the 13th day of the month, thus causing system slowdowns.

Logic Bombs are usually employed by disgruntled employees working in the IT sector. You may have heard of the "disgruntled employee syndrome", if not then here it is what it means ==> "It is a syndrome wherein angry employees who have been fired use logic bombs to delete the databases of their employers, stultify the  network for a while or even do insider trading. Most Logic Bombs stay only in the network they were employed in. So in most cases, they are an insider job. This makes them easier to design and execute than a virus. It doesn't need to replicate; which is a more complex job.

To keep your network safe from the logic bomb explosions, you need to monitor your data constantly and must have an efficient anti-virus software on each of the computers on the network.

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